Took it to bed last night and couldn't put it down. Great stuff. Simple, clear, immensely practical, and I don't know another book like it. Well done!
-- George Burns, MD, Australia
author of Happiness, Healing, Enhancement,
I'm not reading it, I'm studying it. It's great.
--Steve Karpman, MD, I.T.A.A., USA
author of A Game Free Life;
This seems to be a beautiful contribution. I was ruminating on whether I should leave my computer at home when I go on a holiday soon, but now you made the decision fall, I don't need the computer to read
your book. Perfect. A very helpful toolbox for me personally.
-- Wolf Buntig, MD,
Founder, Zist Training Institute, Germany
Steve Lankton's small book is wonderful reframing is redecision. It is such an important aspect in everyday life. It is rarely taught as a positive. Your book is great! I love what you are writing!!!! And I love the angle from which you are looking at life.
-- Mary Goulding, MSW, I.T.A.A., USA,
co-founder of Redecision Therapy
author of Who's Been Living in YOur Head?
Lankton's insights about how self confidence and self-image can be developed in an optimal manner led to his international reputation as an inspired teacher and more importantly, how to empower people with the tools that place them in charge of their lives.
--Ernest Rossi, Ph.D., USA
author, The Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson, MD,
I read and liked it as it is simple to follow and helpful.
-- Lucy Heng, Ph.D., Singapore
This is a silver bullet! I found it fascinating.
--Pat Dugan, Global Engagement Executive,
Document Outsourcing & Communication Services, Xerox Corporation, USA
hypnosis escapes from stereotyped technique, it frees the imagination in
unexpected ways. In these Selected Papers, Stephen Lankton reflects systems
theory while also expressing ideas free from restraint. His appreciation of
Milton Erickson is impressive and respectful. The illustrative cases offer a
comprehensive review of hypnotic ideas. The reader will find the ideas both
practical and imaginative, dealing with hypnotic technique as well as such areas
as family violence. This is an expansive presentation of papers ranging from the
ideology of Erickson to using therapeutic metaphor in social work.
--Jay Haley, Ph.D.,
Family Therapy Institute of Washington, DC, USA
author of Uncommon Therapy; Advanced Techniques;
Conversations with Milton Erickson,
Stephen Lankton's lucid and readable prose puts the principles and applications of
Ericksonian Therapy easily within the grasp of his readers. It is a pleasure to
share in his insights, analyses, and therapeutic approaches.
--Alexander A. Levitan, M.D.,
Past President - ASCH, American Board of Medical Hypnosis, USA
TEST#! This
collection of excellent papers from Stephen Lankton reveals why he has been at
the forefront of the fields of hypnosis and brief, goal-directed psychotherapies
for more than two decades. These papers show the path of Lankton's growth and
the evolution of his thinking, and they provide readers with an opportunity to
share his wisdom. I expect that readers will enjoy and benefit both personally
and professionally from Lankton's invaluable contributions.
--Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., USA
author of Trancework and Breaking the Patterns of Depression
fascinating book is a major contribution to understanding psychotherapy as the
art of narrative. The Lanktons' masterful compendium of stories will help
therapists move toward more imaginative and creative conversations with their
clients (and colleagues).
--Bradford P. Keeney, Ph.D., USA
author of Imporvisational Therapy; Milton H. Erickson, M.D.: An American Healer; Aesthetics of Change
This book
can be of benefit to every therapist from beginner to advanced who is interested
in a practical, hopeful and realistic approach. The explanations on how to
construct and deliver metaphors is one of the emerging approaches that
demystifies and clarifies one of the most complex areas of therapy, while also
suggestions useful ways for working with families. Ambiguous function
assignments is another Ericksonian technique explained in a practical and easily
applicable way.
--Cloe Madanes.
Co-Director: Family Therapy Institute of Washington, DC., USA
author of Strategic Family Therapy.
stories have earned respectability due to the pioneering work of Milton Erickson
and the Lanktons. The Lanktons are talented therapists and teachers in the
Ericksonian tradition. Their perambulation into the therapeutic process will be
appreciated by those who value perceptiveness and imagination.
--Jeffery K. Zeig, Ph.D.
President, Milton H. Erickson H. Erickson Foundation, Inc, USA.
Organizer, Evolution of Psychotherapy Conferences,
author, A Teaching Seminar With Milton H. Erickson: The Anatomy of Experiential Impact Through Ericksonian Psychotherapy
Enchantment and Intervention in Family Therapy
is more than a new book on Ericksonian approaches the Lanktons provide a
systemic framework for understanding Ericksonian interventions through the
entire process of family therapy. This book provides a beautiful balance between
generating individuals' emotions and behavioral changes and looking at the
larger ecosystem.
--Maurizio Andolfi, M.D.
Director, Family Therapy Institute, Rome, Italy
author of Behind the Family Mask; Dimensions of Family Therapy
volume by the Lanktons expands the boundaries of conventional clinical
psychology, incorporating the principles of Ericksonian psychotherapy, and thus
presents a remarkably effective therapeutic approach. It is a treasure trove of
new leanings and delightful experiences.
--Ernest L. Rossi, Ph.D., USA
editor and author, The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson on Hypnosis, The Mind Body Connection.
Lankton's work spells out in the most understandable fashion the basic concepts and tools
of a model which could offer people a change to reclaim control of their lives.
--Daniel Goleman, Ph.D.
editor, Psychology Today, USA
It is
particularly gratifying to know that 'Lankton's magic' and quick, effective
interventions are tempered by his fine observations and skills as a
--Eugene Eliasoph, M.S.W.
Past President, American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, USA
Can the
genius of the late Milton Erickson be taken apart so that a smart therapist can
use it to help his or her clients expand their options? In attempting to do just
that, Stephen Lankton draws on the words of Erickson, Grinder, and
is well worth the trip.
--Morris Haimowitz, Ph.D.
author, Suffering Is Optional, USA
accomplished therapist, Stephen Lankton offers a rich comprehensive model.
Stephen is a remarkably capable psychotherapist.
--John Grinder, Ph.D.
Co-developer, Neuro Linguistic Programming, USA;
Co-author, Patterns of Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
© Stephen R. Lankton, 1995, 2024.