Stephen's Workshops

Sponsors call 602-427-5592
"I have had the joy and the extreme
privilege to attend last year the original training you offered in Phoenix.
Although I have had years of training and continuing education, this training
completely stood out for me, in great part because of the brilliance office
training. You have been a source of inspiration and it has been a rare privilege
to have the chance to he taught by a person of your excellence.."
Fabienne Kuenzli, Ph.D., Echichens, Switzerland
"Stephen's workshop is an insightful, provocative synthesis that
covers both the art and the science of hypnosis. It provides an opportunity for
both novice and seasoned clinicians to expand their repertoire. His
thoughtful approach is sure to provide a well spring of healing for our
Kathy Hayes-Bloch, MSW, Ridgefield, CT
"Your 5-day intensive was a great experience for me both personally and
professionally. Your style is very refreshing, motivating and enriched my
skills as a clinician. I am happy to report that many of my 30 clients want to
begin utilizing hypnotherapy as an adjunct to their current treatment.
Thanks for all your help! Oh, by the way, for the past
15 years I have taken 400 to 800 mg of Motrin per day for pain, due to a
congenital arthrodices (fusion of bones) in my left foot. Since your
pain work with me in the workshop, I have not had anymore pain. Stephen, What's
up with that!? Yes, I am a bit shocked by this. In fact, I can't even locate
the pain center that use to throb anymore. So, no Motrin at all. And wow. . . I feel better! Now that's amazing!"
Jim Anderson, MFT, Corona, CA
I just finished my second session using some of what sunk-in
during the MSCH conference and I'm so pleased I wanted to share it with you.
What surprised me is how the images rather than the didactic part of your
teaching is what I am most able to access and use. Your repeated showing of the
master martial artist deflecting the attacker was just sort of interesting to me
during the workshop but it became really useful and meaningful during the
session I just completed. You offered us a lot to learn and study and it was
very inspiring. Thank you.
Mary Grove, Psy.D., Allina Medical Clinic
"I didn't have any idea that I would come home with such a
profound learning experience. In the 25 years that I've been a therapist, I
don't think any new learning experience has hit me like this. Thank you for the
Patrick Jones, MS, LPC, Billings, MT
"Lankton's training workshops were the best clinical training workshops I've ever attended."
Eugene Waterman, MD, Hot Springs, AR
"It really was a privilege to attend Stephen's
three day Advanced Training Workshop in Phoenix this fall. I felt deeply honored
to be taught by a person of high renown. His profound knowledge and unwaning
enthusiasm was very impressive. His dedication to the Ericksonian approach to
psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis is remarkable, especially for therapist like
me, who never had the opportunity to meet and study with Dr. Erickson. The days
really went by too fast."
Evi Shaw, MA,LPA,LPC, San Angelo, TX